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First Minister Alex Salmond: Stop the reckless siting of wind turbines in Scotland's scenic landscapes

Please help
save Scotland
Sign our petition

Wind Wise RadioPetition by
Wind Wise Radio

The current policies of the Scottish Government are promoting the reckless development of industrial wind throughout the beautiful landscapes of Scotland.

Local planners across Scotland are being overwhelmed by permit applications. An average of 5 applications each day!

Figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show 5,528 applications have been made since May 2007, overall a seven-fold increase over the previous administration.

One local authority, Aberdeenshire, has received more than 1,000 planning applications over this period, while a series of other rural councils have experienced a 14-fold increase. Over 80% of large projects are being approved, even if local communities are opposed.

In short, Scotland's natural beauty is under siege and may be irrevocably destroyed in the next 18 months. Soon there may not be a hilltop in Scotland without a view of turbines.

Help us deliver a message to the policy makers.

First Minister Alex Salmond
Minister Fergus Ewing

In 1849, John Muir, a young Scotsman emigrated to America with his family. He went on to become the driving force behind the protection of many of the national parks, forests and other pristine areas of wilderness here in the United States.

Without this Scotsman many of the most glorious areas of North America (and all around the world) would have been lost to commercial development.

The signers...


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