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Contamination of public and private water supplies by windfarms
Why ‘Green’ isn’t always ‘Good’
protest against wind turbines are organized in Warsaw
Wind Energy: Chalk it up as a loss
Windrad bei Sternberg abgebrannt
Quand les éoliennes perdent d’énormes morceaux de tôle…
Rap against windfarms
¡Levántate! - Un regalo rock de un miembo de EPAW
Denmark: people sick from Wind Turbine Syndrome
Video with Dr. Nina Pierpont - Windfarm victims are talking
Feuer in 65 Metern Höhe - Windrad abgebrannt
Promo video for Scotland Against Spin
Entrevistan a Mark Duchamp en Radio Klara
Destruction of Scotland by the SNP
Wind farms: HEALTH WARNING issued
US radio show: wind farms, bird mortality and green energy analyzed with Mark Duchamp
NA-PAW rebuts the VESTAS "Act on Facts" Campaign
Lethal wind turbine accident in the Netherlands - A Vestas turbine catches fire: two workers killed
Windkraftanlage in Sande ausgebrannt
Lahr (Baden-Württemberg): a wind turbine burns completely - The firefighters are powerless
L'éolien suisse secoué par un scandale - 46 millions de francs pour du vent
Big Yellow Taxes, protest song about windfarm scam


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