Nombre de visiteurs : Hit Counter by Digits



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VisitScotlandsWindfarms - The maps show wind farms that are operational, under construction, consented, proposed or scoped.

Wind Energy's Absurd - (B)WEA Based in Scotland, standing up against the injustice and lunacy of British wind energy policy. War is declared.

Wind Farm Victims - When a massive wind farm is planned in close proximity right in front of your bedroom window...

No Wind Turbines - An International Facebook Group

Fédération Environnement Durable

France: 930 associations

Scotland Against Spin - Independent alliance campaigning for the reform of the Scottish Government’s unsustainable wind energy policy

Voisine d'éoliennes industrielles - Journal d'une amoureuse de la nature et du silence

North American Platform Against Windpower (NA-PAW)

Windfarm Action Group (WAG) - the growing blight on the good earth
Calling for a rethink and a moratorium on windfarm development - Civil rights are our motivation, nature is our energy
International Information Portal (IIP) of Jutta and Marco

National Wind Watch - Presenting the facts about industrial wind power

Save the Eagles International (STEI) - Contrary to what we are told, wind farms will cause the extinction of many bird and bat species. - Unabhängiges Portal für Organisationen, BI und Privatleute in Deutschland

Wind Turbine Syndrome - Nina Pierpont's Research

Ontario Wind Resistance - Health, Safety, Viability, Noise, Offshore, Wildlife, Devaluation, Victims, Video testimonies, etc.

Quixotes Last Stand - Ridding Ontario of IWT's one blade at a time

Industrial Wind Action Group - Facts, analysis, exposure of wind energy's real impacts

Windbyte - Tracking the wind rush in North East England and South East Scotland

Collectif PULSE Pour Un Littoral Sans Eolienne - Stop à l'éolien offshore le long du littoral : en mer comme en région côtière

Suivi €olien Vérité - Le compteur des "performances" de l'éolien industriel en France

Rangitikei Guardians Inc. - "Keeping Rangitikei Unspoilt!" (New Zealand)

Wayward Wind by Barry Bridgeford - "I just want to see the negative impacts of 'industrial wind turbines' eliminated"

Concerned About Wind Turbines - Monitoring every large wind turbine proposal in North East Scotland/Aberdeenshire


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