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Events > 2013

PERTH DEMO - say NO to wind energy
Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy
E-Card-Aktion zur Bundestagswahl
Czech government votes to end support for renewables from 2014
Le Rassemblement : Pour qu'il n'y ait jamais d’éolienne au col du Bonhomme !
Wind Energy's Absurd - (B)WEA. Contribute to the whimsical musings...
Name a Turbine – Competition
Einladung zur Gründung einer vernunftkraftvollen Bundesinitiative der deutschen Windkraftgegner
NO WIND TURBINES - An International Facebook Group
Swedish citizen complains at the UN
NO to windfarms off the D-Day beaches
Alternative Ökokonferenz der FDP-Fraktion im Sächsischen Landtag - 25. Mai 2013
A spokeswoman of EPAW for Switzerland
A vital petition - 1,000,000 signatures required
Scotland Against Spin is a new national alliance of anti-wind farm campaigners
Windfarms: Chemical engineer takes government to High Court



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