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Thirteen million trees felled in Scotland to build onshore wind farms
German's Tragic energy venture
Study shows harmful health effects due to infrasoundsof wind turbines as fare as 15 km
Map of European Wind Farms
Wind bankrupcy petition in Sweden
Wind Turbines and the Rationalized Desecration of Nature
Windturbines. 100% proof of ill effects is not needed
peech to the Bundestag by Sandra Weeser, Liberal Democrat Party (FDP) member, on the energy transition
In our forest, in Burgundy, France, WPD  and EPURON try to develop 50 to 52 windturbines
Sensing but Not Hearing: The Problem of Wind Turbine Noise (Interview with acoustician Steven Cooper, AU)
Aveyron: 13 opponents of the Crassous wind project arrested on waking
The Green Empress has No Clothes
International alert: Wind turbine plausible pathway to cardiovascular disease
Yes, wind turbines drive tourists away and threaten the GDP of rural areas.
Waubra Foundation Statement re Simon Chapman & Fiona Crichton’s Book
France: 1.6 million bats killed by wind turbines
France: Australian Prime Minister urged to stop wind farm on WWI battlefield
German Wind Farms To Be Terminated As Subsidies Run Out
The wind turbine , fifty meters of steel crumpled like paper
Seminar on Wind Turbine Noise
French citizens from Occitanie block a bridge to stop a wind turbines convoy
The Utter Complete Total Fraud of Wind Power
Germany’s Wind Power Debacle Worsens
New  book documents the wind turbine industry’s abuse of power
Science deniers in the wind industry
Arctic: Ten million wind-powered snow guns, will the wind industrialists become completely nuts?
Ireland... a setback of at least 1209 metres from a 175m / 3.5MW wind turbine is required to underpin a 40dB absolute limit
VIDEO | Italy: a wind turbine disintegrates under the force of the win
VIDEO | Italy: a wind turbine disintegrates under the force of the win
Sweden : Expert alarm: Wind turbines massacre raptors
Safety probe launched after collapse of 480-foot wind turbine in Ayrshire
Wind farms have 1.1 billion euro less support accepted after negotiations
Report: Germany’s Green Energy Policy ‘A Disaster In The Making’


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