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Έγγραφα > Inefficiency > More devastation than there has been in 5,000 years - WCFN criticises the “so-called green policies”

Green energy will save the planet

From a cartoon of Basin & Range Watch

More devastation than there has been in 5,000 years

WCFN criticises the “so-called green policies”

"The World Council for Nature, contrary to Greenpeace, WWF and other politically-motivated NGOs, does not condone the destruction of nature in order to, supposedly, “save the planet”.

If indeed the planet is at risk, it is from the corrupt alliance of “green” charlatans, subsidy-sucking speculators, and politicians. Together, they have created a monster which is causing more devastation worldwide than there has been in 5,000 years of civilisation.

Biofuels, biomass and windfarms are destroying wildlife habitats at great speed, yet they do not produce any environmental benefits at all. They are remedies that are worse than the illness, and should be abandoned immediately."

See the open letter where this came from, here: World Council for

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