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Dokumente > Vögel und Fledermäuse

Vögel und Fledermäuse
UK's bird society goes over the top!
RSPB under fire - The death of the “bird of the century” sparks a new wave of criticism
Truth always manages to come out
Horrible pictures: eagle sliced in two found at Danish windfarm
The lid has come off the mortality at windfarms cover up - by Mark Duchamp
The Spectator - Wind farms vs wildlife
The horrific reality - by Mark Duchamp
Wind farms to wipe out California Condor
Kern County blinded by greed
SEO/Birdlife issues warning - Spanish wind farms kill 6 to 18 million birds & bats a year
The Golden Eagle in peril in the US
STEI opposes licenses to kill
Bats struck by wind turbine blades
Strait of Gibraltar: over 100 Griffon vultures die yearly
Wer hat Angst vor Windkraftanlagen? Hier ist es ein Türkei-Geier (Video)
Tödliche Rotorblätter - Fotos
Tödliche Gefahr für Adler
Geier von Rotorblatt erschlagen (Video)
Windparks beschleunigen das Aussterben
Open Letter to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)
Open letter to the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
Statistiken, die einem kalte Schauer über den Rücken jagen
Fatal attraction: birds and wind turbines (Videos)


